Q fever website
Q fever presents a risk to the reproductive performance of your herd.
This online resource provides additional information for UK vets and farmers about this zoonotic disease, how it impacts livestock, diagnosis and prevention.

Enzootic abortion in ewes website
Our website about enzootic abortion is for sheep farmers and vets looking for additional information and advice on how to protect the flock from abortion losses caused by the bacteria Chlamydophila.

Cattle fertility management website
Our cattle fertility management website is available for vets and farmers looking for additional information and advice. Topics covered include fertility and production, sexed semen and the use of synchronisation protocols to enhance fertility.

Dairy cow lameness website
Lameness is one of the most common issues seen in the U.K. dairy herd, with clear repercussions on animal welfare and productivity. This resource aims to help you find out more about lameness and what steps you can take to reduce the problem in your herd.

BRD in dairy heifers website
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) affects 46% of calves before they reach nine weeks of age1. This online resource covers production losses, economic impact and disease reduction.
1. Johnson, K.F., et al., 2017. Prospective cohort study to assess rates of contagious disease in pre-weaned UK dairy heifers: management practices, passive transfer of immunity and associated calf health. Veterinary Record Open 4, e000226.

Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) Training for SQPs and RAMAs
Entitled ‘Oral Rehydration Therapy – why, what and how’, is free, 30-minute online module, which counts for four AMTRA or Vetpol accredited CPD points, is available via the VBMS training portal.

Cevolution reflects Ceva’s commitment to help maintaining the efficacy and availability of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories for the health and welfare of animals while preserving our planet.

reprodAction program highlights Ceva’s commitment to improving reproductive management in ruminants, through a comprehensive product offer.