Cevac Chlamydia
Live, attenuated vaccine for the active immunisation of susceptible breeding female sheep to reduce abortion caused by Chlamydophila abortus infection.
Available in:
- 20 D
- 50 D
Target species:
Product information
How to use
- 2 ml by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection
- Ewe lambs may be vaccinated from 5 months of age
- Shearlings and older ewes should be vaccinated during the 4 month period prior to mating
- Allow 4 weeks from vaccination before mating
- Do not use in pregnant ewes
Prescription decisions are for the person issuing the prescription alone. Please refer to the product packaging and leaflets for information about side effects, precautions, warnings and contra-indications. Further information is available from the SPC or on the datasheet at www.noahcomendium.co.uk or on request.
Legal Category: UK POMV

Why choose
Cevac Chlamydia
Provides a reduction in the incidence of abortion in sheep caused by Chlamydophila abortus/Enzootic Abortion in Ewes (EAE)
Can be administered by both intramuscular or subcutaneous route
Can be administered at any time between 4 months and 4 weeks before breeding
Pack options
Available in 20 dose and 50 dose packs